P&M Motorcycles

Panther Motorcycles

Panther were motorcycles produced between 1904 and 1968.

The company began in Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, as Phelon and Moore.

  • 1922 A new design with four speeds was introduced with a 4.5hp engine. With the arrival of the sports model came the Panther name that was to stay with the firm throughout its existence. After the Panther trademark came into use the catalogue boasted "a great leap forward!", and that was truly so.

    A report on the 1924 Motor Cycle Show reads, in part:

The P. and M. Panther has undergone considerable modification since last year, the principal alterations being enumerated as follow. Dunlop cord three inch tyres are standard, as are Webb forks with integral shock absorbers and special handlebar clips, enabling the stein to be dispensed with. The exhaust pipe is now brought out at right angles to the cylinder head, giving increased power, better petrol consumption, and a cooler engine. The gear control has been simplified, and internal expanding brakes are now fitted to both wheels, those at the rear being eight inches in diameter. A decompressor is fitted, and the magneto coupling has been modified to allow of easy alteration of the timing. The price remains the same as before, £75.

A modified Panther, to be known as the Cub, is to be marketed during the coming season. It has... smaller mudguards, and a silencer which conforms to Brooklands regulations... The side-valve model remains unaltered, except as to price, which has been reduced to £70.

  • 1926 The firm scored a massive success at the Olympia show, where they exhibited their 242cc V-twin Panthette, with a transverse engine and four-speed gearbox, designed by Granville Bradshaw of ABC fame. Sadly it failed to sell in any great quantity as it was very expensive and too advanced for the times.

    1928-1929 Speedway and two-stroke models appeared on the market and they listed the Redwing - a big single with a tuned engine.

    1931 Saw the arrival of headlights that could could function independently.

    1932 The 249cc model was introduced. Although it was fitted into a conventional frame with a downtube, the engine had an inclined cylinder and the oil tank formed in the crankcase.

    1933 The company forged a link with Pride and Clarke who sold large numbers of their 250cc machines.

    1934 That particular model won the prestigious Maudes Trophy, and later that year 348cc Red Panther and Stroud trials models were produced.

    Panther Logo

    1939 The 250cc model supplied to Pride and Clarke was given mudguards and a red-panelled tank, and sold quite cheaply. It was the subject of some derision but proved itself to be a good worker.

    1940 The firm had had many plans and designs on the drawing board but these were all shelved as production turned to war contracts.

    Post War to 1953. The company produced three singles and several variations including a trials version.

    1956 The three singles were joined by two lightweights with Villiers engines.

    1959 A scooter, known as the Princess joined the range.

    1960s The arrival of the very successful Mini Minor found Panther in a shrinking market. The same happened earlier in Europe with the arrival of Fiat and Citroen minicars.

    1962 The Official Receiver was called in, although production continued.

    1963 The range was cut to five models.

    1964 The range was cut still further - to three models.

    1965-1967 Just one single and one twin model left the factory, with orders fast diminishing as competition from Norton and AMC grew stronger.

    1968 Production ceased.

P&M and Panther Models

Sources: Graces Guide, Motor Sport Magazine