DKW Motorrader

Today in Motorcycle History

DKW - NZ 350

Manufactured 1938-1945 DKW-1938 NZ350

Die Maschine für große Fahrt. Der rasante Abzug des 11,5 PS DKW-Zweitaktmotors, die wunderbare Straßenlage und die hervorragenden Bremsen ermöglichen Reisedurchschnitte, die den höchsten An- sprüchen genügen. Ausrüstung und Konstruktionsmerkmale entsprechen der NZ 250: Unbedingt bruch- und verwindungsfester Zentral-Kastenrahmen (beiwagenfest), Viergang-Getriebe mit kombinierter Hand- und Fußschaltung, Schwebesattel, Zentralschalter im Tank, vibrationsfrei in Gummi ge- lagerter Lenker, Gummi-Stoßdämpfer in der Kraftübertragung der Hinterradnabe, Reservebrennstoff- hahn mit Filter und andere Einzelheiten, die gesondert gezeigt werden. Stundenlang und ohne Ermüdungserscheinungen läßt sich die Maschine iagen, ein typisches Kennzeichen eines ieden DKW-Motorrades. Gegen geringen Aufpreis wird die NZ 350 auch mit Geländeausrüstung geliefert.

The NZ350, the bigger companion of the NZ250, is intended for the motorcyclist who demands the utmost in power and speed. He will thrill to the wonderful road holding qualities made possible by the well designed suspension, which permits travelling at high speed even on bad roads. The front spring is twice the length of that of last year's model! With this machine you will be able to travel at an average speed which you have thought impossible heretofore.

DKW-1938-Cat-NZ350-02b.jpg DKW 1938 NZ350

An oil level indicator provided with two marks permits checking the oil in the gear box.

The combined hand and foot gearchange, with which all DKW machines are equipped, except RT and KS, offers the rider two completely separate ways of changing gear. To suit one's own personal taste or to meet particular operating conditions, either hand or foot may be used when changing gear, with the manual lever always showing which speed is engaged. Practically all larger engines are to-day provided with foot gear change, which has its advantages. But so has the manual gearchange! The best solution, however, is both systems combined, as exclusively used by DKW.

1938 DKW Specifications

Sources: English and German factory catalogues.

DKW-1938-Cat-NZ-04b.jpg DKW 1938 NZ

For sparkling performance an easily accessible clutch is of the utmost importance.

DKW-1938-Cat-NZ-05b.jpg DKW 1938 NZ

Without the use of tools the clutch can be manually adjusted by means of a knurled nut. A grease gun serves to lubricate the clutch worm.

DKW-1938-Cat-NZ350-01b.jpg NZ350 Handlebar Switch

Horn button and dimmer switch on the NZ models are combined in a trim housing.