Polish Motorcycles

Polish Motorcycle Manufacturers

  • CWS 1933-39
  • Choinski 1924
  • Fabjanski 1936-39
  • FIS 1950s
  • Junak
  • Kempisty 1929-1939
  • Komar 1960-1983
  • Lech 1929-1932
  • LOT 1929
  • Lucznik 1939
  • Malcherek c.1942
  • MK 1933~34
  • MOJ 1937-39
  • MSS (Motocykl Stanislaw Skura) 1949-1957
  • Nieman 1934-39
  • Osa 1959-1965
  • Odra 1957
  • Orle 1934
  • Pegaz see Komar
  • Perkun 1938-39, 1942
  • Podkowa 1938-39
  • Promot 1960s-1970s
  • PZI 1936-37 see Sokol
  • PZL see WSK
  • Romet
  • Ryś 1958-1965
  • Sarenka 1961- See WSK
  • SFM 1956-64. See also Junak
  • SHL 1935-
  • SM 1935-39
  • SM 500 1930~35
  • Sokol
  • Tornedo 1938-39
  • Turysta
  • Varen 1917
  • WFM
  • Wisla c.1926
  • WNP see SM
  • WSK 1946-1985
  • Wul-Gum 1937-39
  • Zak 1960-63
  • ZSS
  • Zuch see SM
  • ZZR 1960-

  • If you have information or a query about a marque not yet listed, please contact us

    August 2013
    Nicely presented page on Polish marques

    Sun Sep 12 2010
    mainlyfiat<at>hotmail dot com

    zaporozec 1200cc V4
    Is the zaporozec a polish bike? If so would you tell me more about them please?
    Zaporozhets is a Russian-built engine fitted to cars built in the USSR, but were not standard fittings to any production motorcycles. Most of the automobiles were typically ugly Russian boxes, but there was a two-seater sports car built which was very nice indeed. The engines were fitted to a number of American-style customs, possibly because they were very cheap - in every sense.
    From a forum comment: The Zapo had an infamous reputation. The engine ran like a bucket full of nails and the build quality was garbage, even for Soviet standards. They even stopped importing it to the GDR in 1979 after severe quality problems.

    Tue Feb 03 2009
    Agmar OHV
    Search for any information about this Motorcycle, may be from Poland

    See SIAMT

    Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005
    subject: Polish motorcycles
    Email: bogumil_dreliszak at o2.pl
    message: My name is Bogumil, I’m from Poland. As I was surfing through the web I found your website. I have to say that I’m very impressed. You gathered quite big amount of motorcycles from all around the world. Of course mostly I was interested in Polish motorcycles and I was really happy to find them. I’m riding a MZ ETZ 251 from 1990. Answering your question about any other Polish motorcycles, I think I can help you. There were many other Polish motorcycles. I don’t know If you’re interested in extending your web site. For example SHL as a factory produced many different models like M06, M05 and many cross motorbikes . The same is with JUNAK ( M 07, and B20 which was a three wheeled transport motorbike [very interesting]). If you’re interested give me a note. As I study I don’t have a lot o time, but I will do my best to send you as many information as it will be possible.

    Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005

    subject: Motorcycling in Poland
    Email: dygodard at hotmail.com
    message: I am from Canada and am an avid motorcycle rider. I ride a Yamaha V-Star Classic 1100. I am considering spending time in Warsaw for the next two years and need to get as much info as possible. Grateful if you would could provide me with website info or weblinks where I could get info on requirements for motorcycle to meet Polish standards, motorcycle groups (including women's groups), associations, service centres on Yamaha machines, pros and cons of riding in Poland and anything else you may find useful. I need this information rather quickly... Need to accept or decline on Monday, February 14, 2005. Many thanks for any assistance you may be able to provide.

    Although far from comprehensive, I believe an excellent resource for Polish motorcycling would be the section on Poland at Bikelinks. Ed.

    Before bikes I think I should write something about the situation in Poland at that time. It was a lot different from the one in the States, and from the one after the war. It may help US readers to understand what happened there.

    In 1918 Poland gained independence after almost 150 years of German-Austrian-Russian rule. We had to fight for the frontiers for next 3 years. There was no moto-industry left by the invaders. We had to create everything on the land destroyed by the Great War. Poland was a free capitalistic country at that time and soon the first private manufactories appeared. Some most complicated parts (e.g.: electric parts) we had to import (mostly from Germany - Bosch) but later all the parts were Polish. Polish projects were original, comparable to western bikes, reliable but a lot cheaper. Unfortunately the Second World War stopped the rapid development of Polish Motorcycle industry.
    Marek Kowalski -- dwusuw at polbox dot com

    motocykle.svasti.org - My site about all Polish motorcycles.

    ZAKON ZADRUGI - silnym byc,
    I mocno chciec, i twardo zyc,
    I wiecej dawac nizli brac,
    I Polske - tylko Polske znac.