Speedway Workshop

Today in Motorcycle History

The Dula-JAP

This Dula JAP is the proud possession of Gavin Davis who kindly sent me a photograph of this beautiful machine.

Regrettably, I had to greatly reduce the size of the original picture, but I think you will agree that this is indeed a machine worthy of a place in the "Workshop".

Hard to see in the reduced image, but this machine actually houses a Norton Gearbox and clutch.

A couple of years after posting Gavin's machine I received an email from John Young who also possesses a Dula JAP machine and is keen to get in touch with Gavin whose address I have appeared to have lost. So if you should be out there Gavin, please get in touch so I can get you two in touch.

Below is a Picture* of John's machine which again I have reduced in size purely to save on web space. Many thanks for your addition John and hope this page gets you in touch with Gavin.

* Missing (×)

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