Peugeot Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Peugeot Motorcycles 1902-1903

The "PEUGEOT" motorcycle, as might be expected, is one of the best-made and finished machines in the Show. It has a vertical motor of 2 horse-power. The carburetter is a special type of Longuemare, and the motor is placed in an excellent position in front of the crank bracket. Ignition is by coil and accumulator, and power is transmitted by twisted hide belt. The control of speed by spark advance and throttle valve levers. The petrol tank has a capacity of over a gallon, and oil supply of one pint. The weight of machine is under 80lbs., and the speed obtainable is 30 miles per hour. Price £34. The company's works are at Valentigny.

Paris Salon 1902

Peugeot 2 HP Type C 1903

Peugeot 2 HP Type C 1903

Dès décembre 1902, Peugeot suit la voie habilement exploitée depuis un an par Werner et place le moteur de ses deux nouvelles motos, type B et type C, à l'emplacement qui deviendra définitif : entre les deux tubes descendants du cadre, devant le pédalier. Les deux nouveautés sont identiques au moteur près : c'est un Zedel sur la B, un Peugeot (le premier pour moto) sur la C.

Marqué PF pour Peugeot Frères, ce moteur possède une culasse détachable... qui va disparaître dès l'année suivante des mécaniques Peugeot de série jusqu'en octobre 1927. L'allumage par pile, rupteur, bobine et l'admission automatique sont conservés mais un moderne carburateur Longuemare à pulvérisation remplace avantageusement l'aléatoire carburateur à léchage logé dans le réservoir de la "Motobicyclette" de l'année précédente. De ce fait, le réservoir prend une forme plus simple et le cadre peut être renforcé par un tube passant en-dessous de lui.

Léger à 40 kg mais peu puissant, le type C ne revendique qu'une vitesse "de 40 à 50 km/h". Il était proposé à 850 F et ne fut catalogué qu'en 1903. Mais il se vendit fort bien : tout semble indiquer un bon millier d'exemplaires.

Peugeot 2 HP Type C 1903

In December 1902, Peugeot followed the lead of Werner a year earlier and moved the engine location of its two new motorcycles, types B and type C, between the two downtubes of the frame, in front of the pedals. The two models are identical but for the engine: The B model has a Zedel and the C a 239cc Peugeot - the first Peugeot motorcycle engine.

Labeled PF for Peugeot Frères, this engine has a detachable cylinder head ... which will disappear the following year from the Peugeot series until October 1927. The ignition by battery, switch, coil and automatic admission are kept but a modern Longuemare carburetor replaces the primitive fuel system housed in the fuel tank of the "Motobicyclette" of the previous year. As a result, the tank takes on a simpler form and the frame can be reinforced by a tube passing beneath it.

Lightweight at 40 kg but not very powerful, the Type C claimed a speed of only "40 to 50 km / h". It was offered at 850 F and appeared in the 1903 catalogue. It sold very well, indications being that production reached a thousand units.

Source: Thomas Bersy

Friswell, Ltd.

Though Messrs. Friswell's stands (Nos. 22 and 23) are mainly devoted to motor cars, still space is found for two or three examples of their standard Peugeot motor bicycle. The Peugeot machine is built on accepted lines, the design being very neat and attractive. Mechanically, the principal feature is the front rim brake, which is operated by a lever communicating its power to the brake proper through the handle-bar and steering stem. The engine, which is 2 h.p., is placed in a vertical position, and is provided with all the latest fitments for ease of control. (Stands 22-23.)

The Motor Cycle November 25th, 1903. p849
National Show 1903

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