French Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Rares cyclomoteurs et motos français

Notes on some quite obscure French marques

This page lists brands about which very little information is currently available. Many are mopeds and further information may be found via the moped resource page.
Some may be the result of erroneous information and do not exist at all. (furphies)
For a more complete listing visit the French Index.


Acher 1926 [5]

ACV 125cc 1952
A.C.V. logo on tank, two-stroke engine. Pressed metal forks, rigid rear, pressed metal forks, hand-change gears. Chain drive on rhs. [5], (404)

A.D.F. [5]
Aéro-Scoot [1]

Agami [5]
A.G.S. manufacture des cycles Agami, Raismes - Nord [5] et al

Aigle 1906 Rue de Compiegne, Paris. Sarolea singles and twins.
A.J.F [5]
Allain Et Niquet [5]
Allemoz [5]
Alleyrat [5]
Alliot – 41 bis, rue du Professuer-Pozzi, Bergerac (Dordogne). Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
Alsace Sport [2]
America [1]
Aniella [2]
Aniella-William - cyclomoteurs by Vélocipédiques Orléanaises which appeared at the 1950 Salon de Paris.[4]
Annino bicycle engine. Article in Moto Revue No. 936 04/02/1949
Antin [5]
Arc en ciel [2]
Argental [2]
Arrow [2]
As De Trefle
Astra see Cyclorette
Astrale [2]
Aumon [2]
L'Automotion - Etablissement Louis Compain et Cie, 29 Rue Salneuve Paris. c.1920s-1930s. 1932 brochure listed L'Automotionette and Le Velomoteur Talbot, so it seems likely the were dealers rather than manufacturers.
Autoside, L'
AuxEnfants de la Chapelle [1]
Azurette des Frères Urago de Nices


Baby-Star [1]
Ballandras, see VBF


Baron de Poitiers (Associated with GFM)[2]
Barrio [5]
Barthelemy [5]
Bastet 1951 [5]
Bastaert [1]
Baudelaire [5]
Baudon [5]
Bazin [5]
Bbl Marco [5]
BC [1] - BC engines powered Blauseur & Blauseurette.
Beaur [5]
Beausseron [1]
Beck [5]
Becognee [5]
Bedin [5]
Belgian Sidecars [1]
Belliard [5]
BeM [1]
Benoit Rosengart [5]
Berget [2]
Bertrand c.1951 [5]
B.G. [1]
Bigeard [5]
Binoche [5]
Binus [5]
Biplex [5]
Bi-Temps [1]
Birma [5]
Biscuter microcars all had four wheels - no 3-wheelers.
B.J. [5]
Blaise [5]
Blanchard [5]
Bluhm 1898 [5]
B & M [5]
Bob - Possibly Bob Freres of Valence, bicycle builders, 1950s. [5],
Bobby. Ste A.R.C., 10 Rue Villaret de Joyeuse, Paris 17. 1953. Built 2-speed 49cc four-stroke engines. [1] (et al)
Bollack - Lucien Bollack built an electric car during the WWII years which looked like a tadpole-style three wheeler but had two wheels close together at the rear. Source:
Bonhomm [1]
Bonnet & Zecht [1]
Bonney - M. Bonney, 133, rue de Rome, Paris. Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
Bouchereau [5]
Boudin & Michelet [1]
Boulez c.1898 [5]
Boune [5]
Bourdiaux & Delalande [1]
Boury [1]
Boutineau [5]
Boyer Albert [1]
Brennus [1]
Briand [5]
Bridier-Charron [5]
Britania des Ets Leroux de Nantes (c. 1957)
Broulet [5]
Broune [5]
Brunet [1]
Burbury [1]
BUT see Offenstadt


Camille Morel [5]
Campazzi [5]
Campio [5]
Camus [5]
Carlton [5]
Canu [5]
Caps [5]
Carka [5]
Carnutes see Gagnon
Causan [5]
CD C.D. [1]
Cécile [1]
Céél [1]
C.E.I.M.I.A. [5]
Celeripede [5]
Cem [5]
Cesbron [5]
C.G. [5]
C.G.C. [5]
Chaintreau [1]
Champion - Ets Champion, 35 Rue Palestro, Romans. Built 50cc Baby Champion engines in 1951.
Chanard [5]
Chansid [5]
Chapeaux [5]
Chaplait [1]
Chatelard [5]
Chave [5]
Chevalier [5]
Chevillard [5]
Cime [5]
C.I.V.A. [5]
Clarenton [5]
Clarus, see Lédonien
Clerge [5]
Clers & Pingault [5]
Clima [5]
Clin-Comard [5]
Clipper, see Lédonien
C.M.A.P. [5]
CM 505 - Built by the Société des Cycles Drevon, 19, rue César Bertholon, Saint-Etienne, this moped is powered by a Vap engine. Presented at the 1950 Salon de Paris. [4]
C.M.S. [5]
CNC, Comptoir National du Cycle, mopeds powered by Myster built in Paris mid 1950s
CNC (2). M. Fletcher, 112, boulevard de la Chapelle, Paris. Type Paris-Nice powered by Cucciolo, presented at the Salon de Paris, 1950. [4]
Cochot [5]
C.O.F.I.C. [5]
Coispine [5]
Colat [5]
Colignon [5]
Collin-Duresne [5]
Columbia - Train engine unit with clutch, chain drive, spring forks, 26xl¾in, tyres. Paris Salon, 1922
Conqueror [5]
Constr. Moderne de Cycles – 130 rue de Bagneux, Montrouge (Seine). Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
Construction Parisienne du Cycle – 139 rue Lafayette, Paris. Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
Continental [5]
Corbe [5]
Corbel [5]
Corbieres [5]
Corky [5]
Corpet Louvet (see also J.B. Louvet)
Coupet & Bertin [1]
Couret-Boudin [5]
Courtot [5]
Coustolle [5]
Coutheillas [5]
Couturier [5]
Croissant [5]
Crypto [5]
Cumin & Michelin [5]
Cycleaid [5]
Cycle Albert [5]
Cyclorette - The Cyclorette was a Terrot cyclomoteur built from 1953 to 1955. It was also sold under the "Astra" (1956) and "Palmer" marques. Source:
Cyclone bicycle attachment engine, 1920s
Cycloperso [5]


Dahl [5]
Dambreville [5]
Dangre [5]
Dap [5]
Darioli [5]
Darlot [1]
Darrio [5]
Darris [1]
Dassault [5]
Daudan [5]
Debello, see Lédonien
Debon [5]
Dedome [5] (Possibly refers to Dedôm Sidecars)
Déesse [1]
Defi [5]
Degrouas [5]
Delangle [5]
Delaplace [1]
Delaune [5]
Delda [5]
Delefosse [5]
Demaria-Lapierre [5]. Possibly related to Demaria.
Denaux [5]
Denier [5]
Dephilipon [5]
Devaux [5]
D.F. [5]
D.G.D. [1]
Diamon [1]
Dieudonne-Deodat [5]
Dixor, 1952-1954. S.A. Framca, 84 Grande Rue, Villemomble (Seine). Used VAP engines, possibly others. [2]
Dixor de Villemomble (ca.1953)[1]

Doncques [5]
Dourte [5]
Drierre [5]
Drouhiole [1]
Druid [5]
Dubois [5]
Dubost 1901 St Etienne. There is a Dubost mentioned several times by Bourdache, and he is pictured aboard a DFR in 1923. That year DFR named a model for him, available with a 250 or 350cc Train engine. Source: Motos dans la Loire
Ducombs [5]
Dufraigne [5]
Dureau [5]
Durif.F [5]
Duris [5]
Dyna [5]


Echard; see also Lutetia [1]
Eclair [5]
EH [1]
Eiram [5]
Elec [5]
Electa [1]
Electra [1]
Electrocyclette [5]
Electromecanique [5]
Eler [1]
Elfe [5]
Eliana [5]
Elite, see F. Simon
Elmet [5]
Elri [5]
Emeriaux [1]
Emic [5]
EN [5]
Endewell [5]
Eolia [5]
Epsorette [5]
Eram [5]
Ereir [5]
Erlux [1]
Ernest-Richard [1]
Escal [5]
Estampe - 22 rue des Laitieres, Vincennes (Seine). Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
Espujols [5]
Etoile Des As [5]
Etincelle [1]
Eudeline D. [5]
Eurac [5]
Eurocycles [5]
Europ - Usine à ste-radégonde (Indre-et-Loire). ABG VAP. Also listed as Europ-RSI de Sainte-Radegonde-en-Touraine (c.1958) by See also Riva-Sport Industrie de Vichy. Source: Moped SE
Eve [5]
Evicta [5]
Evrard [1]
Excelsior - The company from Bourgoin-Jallieu originally manufactured bicycles and motorcycles. Automobiles also appeared in 1907. Source:


Fachard [1]
F.A.G. see Gagnon
Faret, Bordeaux. Belt drive, 1920s.
Fastex [1]
Faurne, sidecar manufacturer, Valence-sur-Rhone (Drome)
Fauvarque [1]
Fédérale [1]
Fernand-Richard - built sidecars, and possibly motorcycles. [1]
Ferniot [5]
Feuillet G [5]
Fidelia - A Vap-powered moped was built by Desoubry et You, 61, rue de la Plaine, Paris. It was presented at the Salon de Paris 1950. [4]
Finet [5]
Fistollet [5]
Fleouter [5]
Fletcher [5]
Flex [5]
Flexi [5]
Florin [5]
F.M.R. FMR - see also FMR Mokuli under the German marque Fend. [5]
Foller [5]

Fontaine M. – 63 blvd Voltaire, Rennes (I-et-V). Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
F.O.R. FOR [1]
Formand [5]
Fortunay [5]
Forward [5]
Foucras et Rochas – 229 ave Jean-Rieux, Toulouse. Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
Fournales [5] - a firm of this name built suspension units in the 1980s.
Fournol [5]
Framca [5]
Frete [5]
Fontlup à La Clayette (ca.1953) [2]
Fun Tech [5]
Furtoss [5]
F.V.L. FVL [5] (There is an Italian marque of this name)


Gallia Sport [1]
Gallus [1]
Gardette [5]
G.A.R (GAR) [5]
Garnier [1]
G.C. GC [5]
G.C.S. [5]
Gecem [5]
La Gellette de Dijon (ca.1957). ABG VAP. Source:
Gem [5]
Gendron [5]
Genest [5]
Genius [5]
Genot & Caille [1]
Géo [1]
Georma [5]
Gep [5]
Gérard & Roche [1]
GFCM [1]
GFM pour Grossistes en Fournitures Général pour Motorisés de Caen (Ravat stock buyback, c.1958.). ABG VAP. Sources:,
GG [1]
Gille [5]
Gimbretiere [5]
Gines [5]
Gioux [5]
G.K. GK [5]
Gloriol [5]
Glotiot [5]
G.M.B. GMB [5]
G.M.R. GMR [1]
Goeland [5]
Goer - Bicycle firm founded in 1893, they built mopeds in the 1950s. Source: Motos dans la Loire
Goubeaut [5]
Gourdin [5]
Goyon [1]
G.R. GR [5]
Grandemange [5]
Granger [1]
Grasset [5]
Gresse [5]
Griffault [5]
Grillon [5]
Grimbetiere [5]
Grivon [5]
Grolbois [5]
Grossot [1]
Guedon [5
Guenon [1]
Guinabodet [5]
Guitton - M. Guitton – 8 rue du Pont-d’-Ivry, Alfortville. Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. At the 1950 Salon de Paris a cyclomoteur was presented with a Vimer engine. [4], [6]
Guphi [5]
G.V. (GV) [1]


Hab [5]
Hanriot [1]
Hastely [5]
H.B. des Ets Pierre Humblots de Paris (en 1950 et 1951) [2]
Hechard [5]
HEN [2]
Hennequin [5]
Henriet [1]
Henriod [1]
Henry & Cie [1]
Hercule [1]
Hergé [1]
Herminette [5]
Herse [1]
Hess [5]
Himel [5]
Hirch & Davy [5] (La Moto Francaise has photos of beautiful example)
Hugonnier et Routeis – 91 rue Nicolas-Chorrier, Grenoble. Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
Humbert [5]
Husson P [5]
Huvel de Strasbourg [2]
Hv Matra [5]


Idéales cycles
Idole [5]
Isola - built by Rhonson.[2]
Itar & Roux


Jacques Anquetil [5]
Jam [5]
Janin Fed [5]
Janneret [5]
JB-Louvet [5]


JBB [5]
JC2 [5]
Jeaniel [5]
Jenatzy [5]
Jepsy des Ets Moto-Accessoires de Nantes. Displayed a 125cc velomoteur at the 1958 Paris Salon.
Jesum Triporteur 1928, Levallois
Jeudi [2]
J.M.J. JMJ [5]
Jorand [5]
Joulard [5]
Joulou Marirel
Journaux [1]
Jouvene [1]
Judene de Paris (ca.1950)
Julou Merirel de Toulon [2]
Juppet de Valence
J.P.X. JPX [5]
Jubocette [5]
Jules [5] (There is a Czech marque of this name)
Jurax [5]


K.E.D. KED [1]
M. Kerouedan – Cite Commerciale, ave Clemenceau, Brest. Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
Kholer [5]
K.Motor [5]
Kratos [1]
Kyf [5]


La Baralette [5]
La Finette [5]
La Fusee
La Galette [5]
La Goelette [5]
La Huchette [5]
La Licorne [5]
La Marne [5]
Lambert de Caen
La Massaire [5]
La Motalux [5]
La Moto Rey [5]
La Nordiste
La Petite Moto [5]
Petit-Breton de Nantes (ca.1955)
Le Petit Roi - BMA 100cc 1940 (
La Quotidienne [5]
La Racieuse [5]
La Randonette [5]
La Roulante
La Savaltor [5]
La Souris [5]
La Triomphante [5]
La Versaillaise [5]
La Vivaraise [5]
Labbé 1902. Motorcycle, eighth per kilometer launched from Deauville. Driver: Labbé. Bourdache p437.
Lacquit [5]
Lafarge [5] [5]
Laforcade [5]
Laforey [5]
Lafrasse [5]
Lagere [5]
Laigle [5]
Lala & Cie [5]
Lalane [5]
Lambotte [5]
Lamoureux [5]
Lanoy - probably Henry Lanoy of Socvel, who also used the HL and Tractavant brands.
Lapique [5]
Larribe [5]
Lauthier.L. [5]
Lavalee & Rochel [5]
Lazareth [5]
L.D. (LD) [5]
Le Chassis Rationnel [5]
Le Coupe Vent [5]
Le Gallion [5]
Le Goupil [5]
Le Grand Duc [5]
Le Metais [5]
Le Moustique [5]
Le Mulet [5]
Le Roy Lucien [5]
Le Youyou [5]
Leblanc [5]
Lefeuvre [5]
Leleu Pére & Fils [5]
Lelot [5]
Lemaitre & Girard [5]
Leon Roux [5]
Lepage [5]
Lepoidevin [5]
Lernould Breucq [5]
Lescanne [5]
Letellier [5]
Liador [5]
Lick [5]
Lideau [5]
Lido [5]
Ligault B [5]
Ligier [5]
Lion Du Nord [5]
Lipman [5]
L.J.M. LJM [5]
Loelan [5]
Lonnet [5]
Lotteau [5]
Louis Maquet [5]
Louis Roux [5]
LPL - 1924~1930 P. Lescanne built 175cc and 250cc two-stroke engines and possibly OHC four-strokes. Offices in rue des Vignoles, Paris. The 250cc L.P.L. 2T engine is known to have been used by CP Roleo in 1930. Source: Bourdache.
L.S.L. LSL [5]
L.T.N. LTN [5]
Luc [5]
Lunant [5]
L.V. LV [5]


Macam [5]
Machat [5]
Magali d'Avignon (probably unrelated to Magali of 1903)
Manufacture Orléanaise de Cyclomoteurs (ca.1949)
Magistral [5]
Maglita [5]
Maleyre [5]
Manson [5]
Marant-Anzani [5]
Marcailloux [2]
Marchand & Godde [5]
Marguerite [2] - Possibly refers to Marguerite of Courbevoie who built automobiles 1922-1928, the first of which was a cyclecar. [7]
Margeot [5]
Maudiquet [5]
Mazué - A rider of this name participated in the Mont-Verdun coast race in 1911 on a motorcycle believed to have the same name. Bourdache p437.
M.D. (MD) [5]
Merop [5]
Mery [5]
Metais, Le Metais [5]
Messina de Metz (ca.1959)
Meyer [5]
M.G.D. (MGD) [5]
Microma. Listed under Engines
Milan. Société Centrale des construction Mécaniques de Paris 134 avenue de Malakoff, Paris (16°). Built 38cc bicycle engines. Source:
Minaux [5]
Minerva Tri-Scooter, c.1959
Mirou (Hilfs). Source:
Mizer [5]
Molitor [5]
Morais [5]
Morin [5]
Moselle Sport [2]
Motarex de Saint-Etienne (ca.1958)
Motobijou [5]
Moto-Comptoir de Marseille
Motodraisienne [5]
Motogodille [5]
Motomaitre [5]
Motomar [5]
Moto-Merveille [5]
Motomignan [5]
Motorecord [5]
Motoreinette [5]
Mototoclette [5]
Motostock [5]
Mototracteur [5]
Motovapeur [5]
Moularet [5]
M.P.D. (MPD) [5]
Muller [5]
M.V.S. (MVS) [5]
Myrabil [5]
Myster - Sometimes listed as a moped manufacturer, the name refers to a moped engine built by Le Poulain.


Naas [5]
Namour [5]
Naville [5]
Nemausa [5]
Nevejans [5]
Niepce [5]
Nivex, 1950, Mosquito engine.
Nobecourt [5]
Nor 8 [5]
Nouvelet & Lacombe [5]
Novaro [5]
Noxal (see also British marques) [5]


Ocean [5]
Olympia Baby. Ets F. Durif, 16 & 18, Rue Montgallet, Paris. A moped powered by a 45cc engine was presented at the 1950 Salon de Paris. [4] Source: Moped SE
Omea & Batua [5]
Orcal Astor, possibly made in Asia. Yamaha engine.
Oreal [5]
Orette [5]
Otokart [5]
O.T.T. (OTT) [5]
O. Papize. - A Diamant under another name. Paris Salon, 1922


Palmer see Cyclorette
Panhette [5]
Pansard-Cheveques [5]
PAP 1928 OHV [5]
Pasquier G [5]
Paquin [5]
Parnet [5]
Patre [5]
Patrick [5]
Payan 1950s, see Moto Payan
Pelton [5]
Pem [5]
Pequignot-Perron [5]
Peregrine - chain-drive BMA two-stroke c.1930s [5] (Also incorrectly listed as Pelegrine)
Perrin [5]
Phenix [5]
Philippe [5]
Picca [5]
Pichard [5]
M. Pichon [La Randonnette] – 65 rue Aristide-Briand, Chateau-du-Loir (Sarthe). Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
Pierme [5]
Pierre [5]
Pierreaux [5]
Pif [5]
Pigmy - bicycle attachment engines available for front or rear wheel. Source:
Pirol [5]
Piron [5]
P.L. PL [5]
P.L.T. PLT [5]
Pluton [5]
Poly-Fay [5]
Polyn [5]
Pomaredes [5]
Pommier [5]
Potier-Lecorsier [5]
Potin F [5]
Pouch [5]
Pradeau [5]
Prado [5]
Pratic-Side [5]
Précision Sidecars, 39bis Rue Martre, Clichy (Seine)
Precius [5]
Precy's [5]
Prefer-Lecomte - 3 rue Myrrha, Paris. Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
Prestar [5]
Primador [5]
Primo [5]
Produc-Side [5]
Pursan [5]


Quand Meme [5]
Quenon [5]
Querey [5]
Quidet [5]


Rabelle [5]
Rabin [5]
Rai [5]
Ral [5]
Ramus [5]
Randonette [5]
Rapidmoto [5]
R.D. (RD) [5]
Renard (Estonia) [5]
Rep [5]
Rescor [5]
Revest [5]
Rey.L [5]
Reynaud [5]
Reyrol [5]
Riner [5]
Ringeval [5]
Rirce [5]
Risam [5]
R.L. (RL) [5]
Rob [5]
Robail [5]
Robert - P.Robert, see Robust
Roca [5]
Rocket 55 - mopeds powered by Myster marketed by a Valenciennes firm in 1955
Rogias de Rouen (a/c 1954)
Roll [5]
Rovas Celeritas de Dijon
Romu [5]
Ronex [5]
Ronzier [5]
Roos [5]
Rotosim [5]
Roussel [5]
Rouveyrol [5]
Roveda [5]
Roy [5]
Royal-Dauphine - bicycle firm [3]
Royal-France - bicycle firm in Paris [3]
Royal-Phlox [5]
R & P (RP) [5]
Rubis - bicycle firm in Paris [3]
Ruche [5]


Safer & Outremer [5]
Sai [5]
Saillet-Anzani [5]
Saint-Georges [5]
Sam [5] (Possibly Sam & Vaghi, Italy)
Samaritaine [5]
Sanson [5]
Saning [5]
Sans Pareille [5]
Sans Peur [5]
Sarraca [5]
Savarit [5]
Savart [5]
S.C. (SC) [5]
S.C.A. [5]
Scaf [5]
Schneider - bicycle firm in Strasbourg [3]
Scintilla [5]
S.C.O. (SCO) [5]
Scootmule. Appeared at the 1962 Paris Salon fitted with a 50cc Mosquito 38B engine. Nothing further was heard of it.
Scootomoto see Breton
Scotex [5]
Scotter-Car [5]
Splender - St Etienne cycle builder.
Scrab [5]
Scecma [5]
Seguin [5]
Selco [2]
S.E.M. [5]
Senette [5]
Serrusept [5]
Seuma [5]
Seyhers-Lacroix [5]
S.F.L. - Bicycle firm in Lyon - Rhône [3]
S.H.L. [5]
Sicvam see Mors (1950s)
S.I.M. [5]
Simco [2]
Simon Preux [5]
Sivrac [5]
S.J.C. [5]
Skandia [5]
Souper - 1930s Staub twin-port. [5]
Spag [5]
Sphinxia [5]
Sport (mopeds), see F. Simon
Sportex - Bicycle firm. Original Garantie à Dijon [3]
Stag - Possibly "The Stag", a bicycle firm. [3]
Standard 1891, bicyclettes and tricycles, 20 rue de La Reynie, Paris. There was also a bicycle firm in St Etienne named Standard. [3]
Stavides [5]
Stern [5]
Stewit [5]
St Germain [5]
Stil [5]
Stuart - Bicycle firm, Paris. [3]
Stud'ys Cycles [5]
Sug [5]
Superegrine [5]
S.V.G. [5]


Tebac (Possibly related to Flandria)
The Albion 1946 JAP [5]
Tourisme [2]
Tournoy [5]
Tout Acier [5]
Tragin [5]
Train & Gloria see Triumph Gloria
Trelex [5]
Tremblade [5]
Triomphe & Minerva [5]
Triomphus, see Lédonien
Trogen [5]
Tyl [5]


Unic Sport[2]
Utilcar [5]
Utinam [5]
Uz [5]


Valois [2]
Vandel [5]
Vedette of Le Cannet, near Cannes [2]
Velda de Marseille (ca.1957). ABG VAP
Veldor [5]
Vellar de Saint-Marcel
Vélostyle of Puteaux, 1951-1952. Used ABG VAP engines.

Velocetta. Mentioned in Moto Revue, August 6th 1948. Built bicycles in 1939.

Veloreacteur [5]
Velorobot [5]
Velscoot'r [5]
Velostable [5]
Velotouriste see P.A.L.
Velovit. The firm presented a 41cc engine which drove the front tyre via roller at the Paris Salon of 1950. [4]
Veloxy [5]
Vernisse [5]
Verdier & Levy [5]
Vetu-Clabaux [5]
Vidal [5]

Viel 1950s cyclomoteur, engine mounted beside rear wheel on left side. There was a Viel carburettor fitted to an early Paloma.
Villemus – rte de Chambery, Albertville. Fitted Cucciolo engines under licence from Rocher. [6]
Vimya - Etabl. Record, 65, rue Montmartre, Paris. Displayed a machine powered by Vimer at the 1950 Salon. [4]
Vite & Cie [5]
Volbis [5]
Vulcain [5]
V.W. [5]


Wallis [5]
Wallut [5]
Wardill [5]
Wermor [5]
William d’Orléans (ca.1951)
Worthy [5]
WV Sidecars 1930s ~ Source:


Yvan Marie - probably built by Smagghe de Seclin [2]
Zerchot [5]
Zevaco [5]


1. Dictionnaire illustré des 600 marques motocyclistes de Paris et de la Seine by Bernard Salvat. (There are some errors in the translations)

2. lists marques fitted with ABG/VAP engines.

3. CNRV Centre national de réception des véhicules

4. VELO Moteurs No 9 Octobre 1950 (Belgium)

5. La Moto Francaise



See also French Resources