An "oversize" single that has had many years' vogue, the 4½ h.p. Excelsior, fitted with a 650 c.c. engine.
Fitted with an 8 h.p. J.A.P. engine and Burman three-speed gear box, this electrically sidecar is in the front rank of powerful sidecar
Excelsior Plans.
A WIDE range of models will be shown by Bayliss, Thomas, and Co., the manufacturers of the well-known Excelsior machines. These vary from the 2½ h.p. Villiers-engined, single-geared motor bicycle selling at £39 18s., to the 8 h.p. J.A.P.-engined de luxe sidecar outfit at £162. Dealing first with the lighter models, the Villiers engine is fitted to three of them; a clutch may he fitted to the single-geared machine already mentioned, or a sporting model may be obtained with two-speed gear clutch and kick-starter. A similar specification is applied to a third model, wliich, however, is provided with an open frame, and is particularly suitable for riders of the fair sex. This model, by the way, is an exception to the Excelsior rule, in that it is fitted with 24x2¼ in. wheels.
A Solo Touring Mount.
A very pretty little machine, with sloping top tube and excellent fittings throughout, is the new 2¾ h.p. Blackburne-engined model, with three-speed gear, clutch, and kick-starter, and all-chain drive. An internal expanding rear brake is fitted, and the machine will undoubtedly appeal to the sporting rider who requires a go-anywhere machine.
Including the 4½ h.p. big single, all the larger Excelsiors are fitted with Burman gear boxes and 28x3 in.tyres. The 4½ h.p. machine is a solidly constructed single, particularly suited for hard work, with a sidecar attached; it is sold solo at £95, or with a well-built sidecar at £125. Unlike the twin-cylinder models, a belt rim brake is fitted to the rear wheel, but in other respects the specifications differ but little. A 6 h.p. twin J.A.P.-engined Popular model is sold complete with sidecar at £135. or with the new 8 h.p. roller and ball bearing engine at £142. This machine is fitted with all necessities, but differs from the de luxe 8 h.p. in that it is not supplied with such luxuries as interchangeable wheels. In the case of the 44 h.p. and the Popular models, tool boxes have replaced the pannier bags, but the standard arrangement of bags is still retained on the de luxe type. As regards the 8 h.p. de luxe machine, there is little to be said, except that it is replete with every modern convenience, and is a remarkably fine example of typically British big twin construction. Chain drive throughout, internal expanding brakes in each wheel, and beautiful finish are among the outstanding features.
An Excelsior lightweight fitted with 147 c.c. engine; an attractive low-priced model.
Especially suitable for ladies - a 250 c c. open model with clutch and kick-starter.
Miniature Solo Mount of Light Weight and Low Price Introduced.
INCLUDED in the Excelsior range for 1923 is a new miniature two-stroke fitted with the latest type 147 c.c. Villiers engine.
This machine, complete with two-speed gear, will sell at the price of £28 10s., and since both an electric lighting set and engine shaft clutch can be fitted at a very moderate figure, it is probable that £35 will cover the cost of a most completely equipped lightweight.
Although many people consider that so small a machine is something of a toy, nevertheless, from personal experience, we may state that this example is a thoroughly practical little machine, well suited to the needs of an enormous number of people. Gear ratios of 6 ½ to 1 and 13 to 1 enable the little engine to maintain a steady speed of well over the legal limit if necessary, and to climb any hill which is likely to be encountered by the average rider. Added to this the little engine is beautifully balanced, and is almost vibrationless, slipping along quietly and without fuss. The Villiers Flywheel magneto is, of course, a feature, and the engine is supplied with gas through a Mills single lever carburetter, from which excellent results have been obtained. A ½ in x ¼ in. motor cycle chain transmits to the drive through an Albion two-speed gear box, the final drive being by three-quarter inch belt. 24in. x 2in. Avon tyres are fitted. In spite of the small proportions of this little machine no essential details have been omitted; the mudguards are of sensible width, and half valanced in front; a deeply flanged top chain guard is fitted; Druid forks are employed, and the saddle is of sensible proportions. The weight is approximately 1101b.
More Powerful Models.
Next in engine size amongst the products of Bayliss, Thomas and Co., Ltd., come two models, both fitted with 250 c.c. Villiers two-stroke engines, the specifications of these machines being similar, since they both have flywheel magneto, Sturmey-Archer two-speed gear, clutch and kick-starter, Druid forks, and 2iin. tyres, but the first has a normal frame with sloping top tube, and has 26in. wheels, and is listed at £48. The second is an open frame model with 24in. wheels, which has been a feature of the Excelsior range for some time past, and is listed at £50
The well-known 349 cc Blackburne engined Excelsior remains almost unchanged; it is fitted with a Burman three-speed gear, clutch and kick-starter, Druid forks, 26in. x 2 ¼ in. wheels, and internal expanding brakes front and rear.
The price is £57. At the same price, however, a new model will be listed. The specification is exactly as above, but a 350 c.c. special J.A.P. engine is fitted, and with its all-chain drive, large silencer, and sensible mudguards, it forms a most attractive addition to the existing range. The needs of sidecarists are catered for by the 975 c.c. sidecar outfit, fitted with side-by-side valve, J.A.P. engine, Burman three-speed gear, with all-chain drive, 28in. x 3in. tyres, and internal expanding brakes front and rear. At the price of £123, it is an attractive proposition.
The Motor Cycle October 19th, 1922. Page 553
NOVEMBER 30th, 1922. Page 827
The Olympia Show.
For Solo and Passenger Service.
1 H.P. Model.
55x62 mm. (147 c.c); single-cyl. two-stroke; petroil lubrication; Mills carb.; flywheel mag.; 2-sp. gear; no clutch or kick-starter; chain-cum-belt drive; 24x2in. tyres. Price: £28 10s.
Bayliss, Thomas and Co., King's Road. Tyseley, Birmingham. A range of models varying from the miniature Villiers-engined lightweight of 147 c.c. up to a large and substantial 976 c.c. J.A.P.-engined sidecar outfit, is shown on the Excelsior stand. The smallest of these machines will attract great interest, not only on account of its sound practical construction, but also by reason of the very attractive price at which it is now offered to the public.
It is a genuine lightweight, and offers also the advantage of the well-known Albion two-speed countershaft gear, which is incorporated with chain-cum-belt transmission,
85.5x85 mm. (976 c.c.); V twin cyl. four-stroke: side valves; drip feed lubrication; Amac carb.: chain-driven mag.; 3-sp. gear; clutch and kick-starter: chain drive. Price with Sidecar, £123.
Internal expanding brakes, front and rear, and the Burman three-speed gear are provided on the large sidecar machine. Provision is made for taking up the shocks of transmission, both in the countershaft and in the rear chain sprocket. The mudguards are of large dimensions, and a neat tool chest is incorporated behind the saddle.
Olympia Show 1922
The Motor Cycle, November 30th, 1922