Ivy Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Ivy Motorcycles for 1923

Motorcycles at the 1922 Olympia Show

The 1922 Olympia Show.

IVY. (64.)

S. A. NEWMAN, Ltd., Aston Cross, Birmingham.

New Four-stroke Model.

2¾ H.P. Model.

75x79 mm. (349 c.c): single-cyl. four-stroke; side valves; drip feed lubrication: Amac carb. : chain-driven mag.; 3-sp. gear; clutch and kick-starter; chain drive; 26x2¼in. tyres. Price: Solo, £70; with Sidecar, £92.

The principal feature of the Ivy exhibit is the new side-valve engined four-stroke, which makes its appearance for the first time. This does not differ radically from the two-stroke-engined models, which are so well-known, and which are shown on the stand in various models. It is a quite clean-looking little machine, arranged in an entirely conventional manner, enamelled the khaki colour which is distinctive of the Ivy machines, and notable for a double down tube from the steering head to the crank case.

Designed in the first place as a comfortable touring machine, it has deep mudguards and extra leg guards for riding in bad weather.

3 H.P. Model.

75x79 mm. (349 c.c); single-cyl. two-stroke: drip feed lubrication; Amac carb.; chain-driven mag.; 3-sp. gear; clutch and kick-starter; chain drive; 26x 2 l/4in. tyres. Price : Solo, £65.

The two-strokes have been slightly modified in detail, and are shown mainly as solo mounts, one having the dropped frame suitable for a lady's use, but all of similar design. To one a collapsible sidecar is fitted.

The only real alteration to the smaller (250 c.c.) Ivy lies in a change of plug position, i.e. to the rear of the cylinder head.

Olympia Show 1922
The Motor Cycle, November 30th, 1922. Page 830

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