Belgian Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Impéria Motorcycles Belgium

The company was founded by Adrien Gustave Piedboeuf in 1903 in Liege and initially he built motorcycles under the name Piedboeuf, and later automobiles. In 1907 Piedboeuf bought the Pieper factory in Nessonvaux, near Verviers, where they had a test circuit which extended to the roof of the building. By this stage production was almost entirely of automobiles, many of them of high quality - and high price.

Motorcycle production began during the early post-WW2 era when they built 100cc to 250cc machines under licence to Adler. They also apparently built MV Agusta scooters under licence. The factory closed in 1958.

The Musée Impéria Nessonvaux which housed a collection of vehicles was badly damaged during the floods of July 2021. The museum had quite a number of examples of the Imperia Adler and MV machines.

A-Z der Belgische Motoren, automag.be, et al