Aermacchi Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Aermacchi Motorcycles

weist at hhu dot de
Question about Aermacchi VIN
We found your brilliant ressource on Aermacchis. We are lovers of vintage motorcycles and have an offer for a 250cc Aermacchi without any documents. The only information ist he VIN and engine numbers: 211899. In your list this number is not present because there is a gap between 211148 and 220001 in your listing. Do you have any idea about the type oft he motorcycle? The owner knows nothing, he is a car dealer who traded in the bike for a sold car.
Thank you very much and best regards
Tanja from Germany
    Have no further information at present. Should you find a source which answers your query please let us know so that it may be added here. Ed.

arthurwfarrow at hotmaildotcom
Hello I have 2 machines a 1962 Ala Verde and another later machine frame number 56B1401 which does not seem to be in any sequence I can see. Anybody any ideas??
Many thanks ARTHUR (UK)

On 26-Dec-23
marybogs at
Re: Looking for motorcycle model name
I have been looking for a model name for this Aermacchi motorcycle. I hope you can help.
Thank you,
Mary Bogdanski

According to information on the Aermacchi Serial Numbers page the machine is a 1973 Z90. Ed.
Aermacchi images posted to Comments.

May 8th 2021
wyliecoyote30 at
Aermacchi ss250 1976
Hi I'm looking for a ignition control module for my 76 ss250 maybe more ignition related parts. Do you know a goodi sourse? Thanks
Doug Wylie
Lakewood Colorado usa

Try this page under Aermacchi: Italian Resources
kohlmetz at
Aermacchi Ala d'Oro
can you confirm that an Aermacchi with frame number 140122 is an original Ala d'Oro? Of which year? Same for 130031?
Thanks very much.
Best regards
Ruediger Kohlmetz
Dettingen, Germany

All information currently available is posted here: Aermacchi Serial Numbers. Ed.
yamori at
bonjour,je posséde une aermacchi 250 ala blu de 1972 .
numéro moteur: 231422
pouvez vous me donner la provenance de ce moteur avec ce numéro.
avec mes remerciements bon noël yannick
Moriconi yannick
Trans: hello, I have a 1972 aermacchi 250 ala blu. engine number: 231422
can you give me the origin of this engine with this number.
with my thanks good christmas yannick

All information currently available is posted here: Aermacchi Serial Numbers. Ed.
thewolfman202 at
Brezza 150 1963
Hello, please can you tell me or show me via photo or illustration, where I can find the engine and frames numbers on my Brezza 150 scooter. Many thanks.
Leigh Wolfmann-Osborne
United Kingdom If you find a useful source for this information let us know so it can be added to this page:

Try this page: Engine Numbers and Frame Numbers
sjcostello1 at
1974 amf harley davidson sx125
Need top motor mount brackets, original is preferred but aftermarket will work
Grand Prairie TX USA
tricguy007 at
125 rapido
I have a Vin number MLS2666 on a what I believe is a pre 1970 125cc Harley Davidson looking for info so I can obtain a title for it
grant Huskelhus
United States
el_electric at
Harley Davidson Rapido 125
What kind of motor oil can I use? I know it is a 2 stroke, and the manual says use Harley Davidson 2 stroke oil in the gas and in the Transmission. What else can I use? Thanks!
Raymond Lodge
United States

msprangers at aermacchi
Could please send me a picture of a indentification number for compare. Is the VIN ever bolted on the vehicle frame? Do you also can verficate this engine number :*223676*

deodra at
AMF Harley Davidson
I am unable to find much information on my bike. I'd like to know production numbers and the like. S/n: 9E11002
Jason Buis
United States
howardranch at
I a trying to get information on this bike which is in full race trim with a four speed g/box and I am sorting it out for the family of the late owner after his demise, He did parade the bike at the 1997 TT but his main competition races were on a sidecar outfit which he raced from the mid fifties until 1974 his name was Stan Nightingale and I would be grateful if you could give me any info. there is no engine number anywhere on the engine other than A177 stamped on the rear top engine mounting lug which I presume is the number to match the crankcase halves, the only number on the bike is the one above and that is on the headstock of the frame. What I presume is the engine number location on a flat portion of the righthand crankcase half below the cylinder is devoid of any stampings and does not appear to ever have been stamped.
Barry Howard
johnlambert118 at
I'm looking for a connecting rod kit for a SX250. Does anyone know if they are still available? Is there a substitute?
John Lambert
Harford County, Maryland, USA
iampetercarruthers at
Hi just trying to find info on 1969 ss350 ie colours spec, date of manufacture. my frame no is ss3975
Peter Carruthers
Maryport UK

  • Aermacchi-Carruthers image posted to Comments.

enniofermi at
I've been told my bike is a 1962 Aermacchi-HD Ala Azzurra, the VIN is *212280*; according to your info I can't confirm is the Ala-Azzurra.
Ennio Fermi
bsmistits at
1980 amf minarelli 140 or 141
I am looking for 2 of the rubber pieces that screw into the springs in the top of the fork tubes the top is threaded to accept a bolt. mine are worn out and will not grip
Pete Johnson
Eau Claire, wiscnsin USA

27-Jun-2019 at
CRTT -67
I have a bike with frame number 67CRxxxx.
It is imported from america in the seventies.
I have now been told its not a real Ala dOro but a replica because of the frame number. Do you know if this is correct.
Regards Tomas

  • Do not yet have sufficient information to answer this query. Ed.
    Aermacchi-CRTT-67-SE images posted to Comments.

japes1000 at
1967 69??
I am trying to find out just what this is. The only numbers I can find are M3140.
They are stamped on a plate on the frame and are stamped just under the cylinder.
I believe it is a M50 or M65. I don't know the year.
Any help will be appreciated
Thank You
Jay Anderson, Cypress TX

The motorcycle is almost certainly an Aermachi-HD 1965 M50.
Images posted to Comments.

14-May-2019 at
Harley Davidson SX125 1975
Do you know where I can find the battery support for this bike? It's listed as part number 66204-74P in the catalog and was used on the TX125 and Z90 between 1973-1975.
Michigan, United States
Try this page, under Aermacchi: Italian Resources

Challdude at
Harley Davidson SS250 1976
Looking for mirror and voltage regulator for 1976 SS250. Can't seem to be able to locate these parts.
Michigan / US
engreb2 at
1967 m65
What should the compression be
Bob. Brent
What make of motorcycle is it please?

Harley davison Try this page, towards the bottom: Troubleshooting
ric at
1972 350 sprint ss
I am restoring this bike. Last 4 #'s of the serial number are 2401 what was the paint color? and where might I get some?
Ric Elias
Lawrenceville GA USA
This page may help: Paint and Colour Schemes
phil.madeley at
Cagiva sst 350- Aermacchi sst 350 two stroke 1978-79
I am after a petrol tank if anyone has one out there and would like to sell it
Phil Madeley
Auckland New Zealand
beezacarlin at
67cr . 1967 ala d'oro
Frame colour needed and spare parts source. And other information on the bikes history
It is a 1967 cr road race bike, 40 made that year, upgraded from previous years with frame mods and dry clutch, cylinder head ports bigger and carb bigger.
They were made from early 60s, through to 70 I believe, my frame number and engine start 67, meaning produced in 1967.
Ian Carlin
Nottinghamshire UK

kmklingbiel86 at
1973 125 tx harley davidson
could you please tell me where I can get a complete wiring harness for this model and make. I have had a lot of trouble trying to find what website.

johnnycardinal at
1973 Aermacchi Harley Davidson X90
I am looking for the best site for parts for the X90 and how do i find out how to get the correct color of blue for my restoration of my sons 1st Harley.
johnny Miceli
New York, USA

ednap at
1973 Harley Aermacchi X-90
I am looking to purchase a working headlight bulb, a CEL 172, 6V, 20/20W, 04646 (same as shown in your picture)
Ed Nap
New York USA

5 July 2018
sx2501975harley at
1975 amf sx 250 Harley Davidson (2 stroke)
I need a piston and ring kit for my Harley. It is all original. The old piston has aa green splash of paint and in the manual the bore is 72mm and piston displacement 14.80 cu. in. 242.6 cc.
Elaine Swaeney
Victoria Australia

Tue, 10 Apr 2018
rpropst1 at
aermacchi Harley Davidson 1970 MLS 125

I have received my second scam email from someone showing me a picture of a bike they got off the web, then they say they will sell me parts off of the complete bike. They want me to send them payment before they will ship the parts to my doorstep at a very low price.. I ask for their address and there was no building there. EVERYONE SHOULD BE AWARE OF THIS TYPE OFFER. Final note: on the subject line of their email was cybermotorcycle's email address........pretty slick.
Ric Propst
kansas city, kansas USA

Wed, 17 Jan 2018
bawulf at
Harley Davidson/Aeromach. 1972
Looking for more info. I have a vin: 67SS9158 Can you tell me if this is in fact a 1972 Sprint 350?
Brett Reyes
Rochelle Pk NJ USA

Wed, 31 Jan 2018
enniofermi at
Aermacchi - Harley Davidson 1962 Ala Azzurra

Hello, I just acquired the bike I gave you the data and on the chassis and engine I have the following VIN *212280*; according to the seller it is a 1960 Ala Azzurra but the code doesn't match the VINs listed. I need help to identify the bike, so I can search for the missing bits and pieces.
Ennio Fermi
Lima Peru

Wed, 11 Oct 2017
rpropst1 at
aermacchi Harley Davidson ML 125 or 125S Rapido

I need to know what battery it needs. what voltage, size, and description so I can find a similar battery locally. I also need a chain to fit the smaller rear sprocket. what size, length and type of links etc. Thank you very much I'm having a lot of trouble finding this information and I can't wait to fire this barn find up. Ric
Ric Propst
kansas city, kansas USA

  • Best bet would be to find a manual and/or parts book. Try this page: Books and Manuals

Tue, 03 Oct 2017
gvdibello at
Aermacchi M50-s 1966 M50 1965

I am looking for a die-cast model of these cycles - actually any die- cast model of a Aermacchi will be interesting but the model listed would be very interesting Thank you for any assistance you can offer Gaston DiBello
gaston dibello
San Diego USA

Mon, 02 Oct 2017
luvmy64gto at
Harley Davidson 1969 Rapido 125cc high pipe

I am looking for production information on my 1969 Rapido. I am restoring one (VIN MLS1369) and just bought another 69 for parts (VIN MLS3391). Both are the high pipe exhaust orange bikes with 17" rims front and back. I would like to know how many were produced for 1969. I have seen info that the first 1000 were produced as street bikes (low pipe) and the remaining were trail bikes. Any help is welcome Thanks Carl
Carl Aul
Connoquenessing Pa USA

Mon, 07 Aug 2017
LMcGuire at
Aermacchi CRS? 1967??

Hi, helping a local person with her fathers estate. She has MOST of a motor, based on your chart appears to be a 1967 350 CRS ? She texted me a few pictures and I can try and download them and send them but the VIN number with stars on either side says 67CRS 5037. I am a british bike guy mostly,, and I dont recall much about these but told her theres some locals who at one time coveted one type and they were worth something and the others not as much, especially for racers. But I have no idea anymore. Could you advise her on approximate value? It is JUST the motor at this point but possible more might turn up. Her Dad had some English bikes I helped her ID,, and lots of old machinery so more could show up. I expect sooner or later she might haul it to a swap meet or ebay it. If you are inclined to help, perhaps allow your members first crack. But it IS an estate and she is compelled to get as much as possible on behalf of the estate beneficiaries. thank you.. you can call me if you wish at 503-351-0518 but please limit texts to very basic info or I prefer a call.
Doug Towsley
Estacada USA

Tue Jul 11 2017
charlie.shepherd at
Aermacchi 250 Al verde
Engine no E543
Frame 21067
What year please

  • Are those numbers complete? Can you supply pics of the serial numbers please?

Please find attached pictures of the frame and engine number All I have is a bike that is 75% complete, with no paper work. The previous owner was my brother in law who is deceased and I just want to complete the project that he started Engine and frame number are the same

Any help would be appreciated
Regards Charlie

  • Aermacchi-1967c-CSe.jpg posted to Comments. The engine number 175N 121067 indicates that it's a 175 model so must be very close to 1967 model, according to the limited engine number data on this page.

Fri Jun 30 2017
freelancewest at
Expansion Chamber info or plans
Aermacchi H.D. Road Racer 1975 Aermacchi 250 RR
Any info or plans for expansion chambers, cone size and lengths.Any drawings.
Thanks Lance

Wed Mar 08 2017
martinminton at
Engine identification
Harley Davidson Leggero
Hello, I have a HD Leggero 1971 with an engine 50cc. #66s8316. Do you have any info. about this motor??? Thanks, Martin
Michigan USA

Have requested further info on frame number and mfg ID plate. No response.

Wed Jan 25 2017
jwatsonjr at
HD Aermacchi M50S
do you have paint codes or close to the 1966 red and white?
I have serial number 66 S 22759
Birmingham, Alabama USA

Very little on paint codes at present. Will post when more comes to hand.

Thu Nov 17 2016
che at
Want to know more about my AMF HD
maybe 1976 SX175
The VIN on the frame of my SX175 is 5D60410H6.
I cant find anything about the SX175 on your site.
5D should be the type-code of the SX175 - right?
60410 is the production number, started with 10000 in 1970 - right?
And H6 means the year 1976 - right?

There is also a textline above the VIN:

The motor number is X7607844
South Germany

Have little on SX175 serial numbers at present. Will post more as it comes to hand.

Fri Jun 17 2016
Thegriffins1025 at
Vin I'd for pre 1969 HD sprint
Harley davidson Sprint
Can anyone tell me what how to interpret this vin 65h5079 I think it may be a 65 sprint if anyone can help I would appreciate it.

Probably correct. Photos, along with images of engine number, frame number and VIN plate may be helpful.

Sat Apr 23 2016
heinz-kunisch at
Front Brake
Aermacchi Harley SST 250 BJ 76
i have a Aermacchi Harley SST 250 BJ 76 i Need a front Brake Reparatur kit where i can find this
if someone can help me will be perfect.
Heinz Kunisch

Wed Apr 13 2016
steve at
Frame number year
Aermacchi Ala D'Oro
Frame # 171101
Can you help with what year this one is?

Sat Feb 27 2016
kenskaggs at
Lower end & parts
harley 1965 m65 aermacchi 1965 M 65 Aermacchi
I need a lower end for a 1965 M65 Aermacchi
California, USA

Sun Jan 10 2016
jwesthuis at
HD X90 switch
Harley Davidson X90
Does a 1974 Harley Davidson X90 have an ignition switch

Tue Dec 22 2015
d.barker861 at
Balancing factor
Aermacchi SX350
Hi, I'm trying to get the crank balanced on my 71 350sx but I need a balancing factor, can you help?

Fri Dec 18 2015
mitchell46stephen at
frame/engine number
Aermacchi 350 Ala d oro
Can't find any info on engine No G452 frame No 745H27 please please help me.

Sun Dec 06 2015
1969 Harley Aermacchi 350 SS
who made the wheel rims for Aermacchi? Are they still available?
See under Wheels

Sat Oct 17 2015
causedhdparts at
piston clearance
Harley Davidson 1974  X90
Can you tell me what the piston clearance is on a X90 2 stroke
Apex, NC USA

Mon Oct 12 2015
joaquim.fernandes at
Harley Davidson SX 250 - Color Blue....
Harley SX 250
Hello, my name is Joaquim Fernandes,from Portugal.
I have a Harley Davidson 250 SX 1977.
I'm restore is blue, but I wanted to put the original color.
Someone can help me with your original reference RAL.
I am very grateful for the help
figueira da Foz

Sun Aug 16 2015
jhbox13 at
Oil confusion!
Aermacchi/ AMF Harley Davidson SX 250
Hi, I am restoring an old SX 250 and am confused about the oil. The manual on references "Harley Davidson 2-stroke oil" for the oil injection, but makes no reference as far as I can tell to the oil for the crankcase/transmission. I would really appreciate the help if you could let me know:1)what kind of oil for the oil injection tank and 2) what kind of oil to use in the crankcase/transmission. I appreciate your help

Ed: Any good quality two-stroke oil for the engine, and manual gearbox oil for the transmission.

Fri Jul 31 2015
Ekernechel at
Fluid required
Aermacchi (Harley) M-50
Hello, would like to know what fluid and level goes in motor.. Thank you eric

Sat Nov 08 2014
jhagy at
looking for paint match
HD Aeramacchi 1969 M65
wanted to know if I could find a paint match code for the gold color 69 M65?

Thu Nov 06 2014
jscquake at
Converting HD SX250 to SS250
AMF-Harley SX 250
Just wondering if I can convert my SX 250 to a SS 250. Is it just the placement of the front fender and the exhaust pipe? Thanks in advance for any and all help.

Sun Oct 26 2014
kh_hiles at
piston rod for 1972 Aermacchi 350cc
Aermacchi 1972 350cc
Hello, I am looking for a piston rod (connecting rod) for a 1972 Aermacchi Harley Davidson 350 cc motorcycle. The interaxis distance is 145mm.

The diameter of the piston is 18mm.
(another dimension they give me is diameter 30x60mm).
Any suggestions you might have would be appreciated

Mon Aug 18 2014
camburn1 at
Oil type and Air Filter replacement
Aermacchi sx125
Can you tell me what type or kind of oil to use in the lower engine case? Also, is there a location to get a new air filter or cross to an newer type air filter? Its a Axomicron Savara 2781/80 air filter.

Sun Aug 17 2014
maclease at eim.aea
engine bearings
harley aermacchi ss125 1975
Hi I Need to replace the big and small end bearings does anybody know the common part (not Harley) number or a source ie crank bearings are 6203 and 6204 thanks

6203 and 6204 are common bearings avail from any bearing supply store.

Tue Aug 19 2014
douglas at
Aermacchi Parts
Aermacchi 350NE
Hi, I have a 1973 AMF-Harley Davidson 350 and want buy parts to the engine. Can you help me with it?
The bike numbers are: AERDAV350NE * 254883 * DGM10944OM

The parts I need:
- Complete Gasket Set
- Piston and Ring Set Standar
- Cylinder
- All Engine O-Rings and Oil seal
- All Engine Bearings
- Clutch Fiber Discs
- Air Filter

Thank you.

Wed Jul 16 2014
jcblackduck at sky.con
aermacchi 1971 leggero
trying to find the leggero script fuel tank decals. can anyone point me in the right direction ?

Tue Jul 08 2014
keradurun1 at
Air Box
Aermacchi SX 250
Im after an air filter housing complete for a late 1976 SX250 and an Ignition Switch

Thu Jun 19 2014
bradleypearson1 at
transmission oil
1968 HD Aermacchi Rapido 125 68ML4803
Does anyone know what kind of fluid I would put in the bottom case? I believe that is the tranny case. Also what kind of gas and oil should be used in these? Hard to find out the correct info on the web.Any good websites with info and parts would be helpful. Thank you, Brad

Mon May 26 2014
beachmassagepro at
HD Aermacchi
I am looking for a replacement bulb can you help?
Myrtle beach,sc

Ed: What model Aermacchi is it, and is it just the 6V globe you require or the reflector and lens?

Ducati Gowanloch and Road & Race Motorcycles would be good places to start. &

Wed May 21 2014
theresamay99 at
sh2/20 Dellorto carb
can't find a sh2/20 carb for my 74 amf aermacchi x90. Is there a replacement carb or another type that this bike will take?
Michigan United States

Fri Feb 28 2014
frankie-norcal at
x 90 interchangable parts
Aermacchi Harley x90 x90
I have a basket case of an x 90.I need a tank,seat and carburater with air box. Does anything cross over from the shortster. Or can you help with a contact for parts.

Sun Feb 09 2014
jablackduck at sky.con
aermacchi harley identity
aermacchi harley
purchased a old bike whilst in florida last week and need to identify
matching frame/engine number 8A-11157-H1.
any help will be much appreciated.
regards john coleman

Your bike is an M65 Legero 1971.
See the Aermacchi HD model code ID chart. Ed.

Sun Feb 09 2014
bikerjohnhd710 at m65 color ?
1968 m65
I have a 1968 M65 with 293 miles on her. I've had her about 20 yrs. The guy I bought it from had it about the same amount. The colors are blue/yellow with the winged circle. Was told it's not original paint. Didn't know if it was a imported color or not? The guy I bought her from said he bought her that way at a estate auction in the 70's.Thanks ,John Kennedy ohio

Fri Feb 07 2014 sskuse at
1973 TX 125 Harley Davidson TX I am looking for information on the 1973 TX 125cc. Specificlly how many were produced?
United States, Michigan

Jan 20th 2014

 This long stroke motor type is known as the knuckle hd - the later short stroke one is known as the finny type - we have 74 350sx in our club , it has 5s. + Elec. Start - plus full down tube frame - hd bought aermacchi in 62 cos honda were eating their lunch and they only had big twins - aermacchi are aircraft manufacturers - the r.a.a.f. Operates their mb 326 jet trainer...
 ? - Thanx Jack Cairns

Thu Jan 02 2014
HD SS250 clutch oil
1976 Harley Davidson Aermacchi SS250

You originally received the question (copied below)quite some time ago but I'm currently working on the same model bike and am in need of the same information. (clutch oil for 76 SS250) Can you please help? Thanks.

See below under:
Fri Mar 25 2011

Sun Dec 01 2013
Tank decal
Hd Aermacchi SX 125
I have 2 SX125? bikes and both tanks hane the eagle stickers that say TX125 but the side panels are 1974 style. Are they TX or SX?

Nov 2013
Hi I have talked to you before can you put me in contact with anyone who would be able to find out the racing history of my bike please

Mon Jan 21 2013
1964 Aermacchi
H-D Aermacchi Ala D'Ora 350cc
Are you able to give me more info re this bike I am trying to identify the origins and value. My late husband purchased the bike in 1997 from UK Chassis No 190726. Any help would be appreciated. Can I assume from your list on the website it was one of 16 made??
Tasmania Australia

Thu Oct 17 2013
UB24B2 Carburater
Harley Davidson SS250cc...
More information under Dellorto

Fri Oct 11 2013
1975 AMF Harley Davidson z90
AMF Harley Davidson Z90
Looking for an Aermacchi Dell'orto concentric carburetor for the 1975 AMF Harley Davidson Z90
Portland, OR USA

Fri Jun 21 2013
sst 250
aermacchi sst 250
hi i have a 76 sst250 but cannot match the serial no anywere can anyone help? serial no 7T60333H6

May 2013
Good morning folks - I have been o/h earles fork bmw over recent yrs - if I can assist someone on bmw pls ask - I have 1960 r 60 .
As I wanted some new challenges I have ordered a 67 ss which I presume is a 250 - it was advertised as a 350 - s/n 67ss3382 - can send shots if it helps , but it is in need of a major o/h - refurb. We have some other aermacchi / hd in our pmea club in sydney oz - one is nice 73 sx350 - can send shots of that also if you wish . O/h manuals are not available so far - am gathering tech data , will advise on that .
Will ask sister in ireland if she can help with the shots you need - they collects iti bikes like moto guzzi falcone etc. David crawford , her husband just wrote a book on their buddy - stanley woods - all proceeds go to a hospice there . Computer problem preventing me using contact on website - sorry bout that . Cannot use lower case due to battle damage - sorry - thanx j.c.

Sun Mar 31 2013
Seeking a Rapido
Aermacchi Rapido 125
Hi there,
I am seeking a bike, an Aermacchi Rapido, 125.
I am curious about the bike i saw online which led me to email you. I would like an Aermacchi Rapido to restore and ride. If you have any knowledge where I can purchase one that would be great. Thanks in advance for everything.

Fri Jan 25 2013
Harley Aermacchi Sprint SX350
I am looking for an ignition for a 1974 Harley Davidson/Aermacchi SX350 sprint...Vin 3C12221H4...This bike has 8 connection plugs was wondering if anyone could help me find an ignition?

Wed Jan 16 2013
I need spokes and nipples for a 1965 M50 Aermacchi !!!
Harley Davidson Aermacchi M50 1965
Hello. Myself, and my shop are doing a special restoration job on a 1965 Harley Davidson Aermacchi M50 cc . I currently need all of the spokes with nipples. I only have 21 out of the required 72, and have contacted specialists everywhere. Everyone seems to think that this is an impossible job, but I am determined to finish what I started. If you, or anyone you know might have these parts, please help me. You can call the shop, GP BIKES INC. at 321-253-9223. Ask for Angel!
Melbourne, Florida

More information under Wheels & Spokes

If you have a query about Aermacchi motorcycles or have information of these classic Italian machines, please contact us