Swedish Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Colibri Motorcycles (SE)

A Brief History of the Marque
Manufactured: 1919-1923

A factory in Galve, Sweden, run by Emil Jern built an auxilliary engine, later named Furir by another company which bought Jern's patent and presumably the tooling.

After WWI the firm was renamed AB Motorindustri and the bicycle engines became Colibri, then in July 1919 they moved to a new production facility, Nordiska Aviatik in Tellusborg near Stockholm, and the company became AB Colibrimotorer, Liljeholmen.

A rear-wheel drive version joined the front-wheel drive engine, and in 1921 they constructed a rather impressive transverse V-Twin.

The company failed in 1923.

Sources: Bjorn's Story, The Moped Archive

N.B. Several other firms used variations of the Colibri brand.

ottw.bike at outlook.es
Colibri Motorcycles (SE)
Do you have more information about the 250 V-twin, which appeared in 1922?
Ventura Felip
Sant Feliu De Guixols, Girona, Cataluña, Spain

Two usually reliable sources give only a single line about the V-twin, so my guess is that it was a prototype only and has not survived. Ed.

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