Unlike the majority of New Imperials, the "Clubman 350" is a non-unit construction mount
The engine-gear unit of the 247 c.c. "Unidyno"
Hairpin valve springs and rocker return springs are fitted to the light-alloy heads which are optional on the "Grand Prix" models
Helical gears are used for the primary drive of the unit-construction models. Note the engine-shaft shock absorber
STAND 64: A Fine Display of Unit-Construction Singles : Special “Clubman” Models with Grand Prix Replica Engines
New Imperial Motors, Ltd., Spring Road, Hall Green. Birmingham.
Model 23 "Unit Minor." 146 c.c. single-cyl.
unit-construction New Imperial; sump lubrication; coil ignition; gear primary drive; 3-speed gearbox with hand control; fuel, 2½ gals.; 25x3in.
Price with electric lighting (solo), £29 15s.
Few firms have done more to popularise unit construction than New Imperial Motors, and with a few exceptions this form of construction is followed in their 1936 machines. At the lower end of the scale is the "Unit Minor de luxe" the pioneer of its type. It is of 146cc capacity, and, of course, employs gears for the primary drive, these running in an oil-tight case. This machine has demonstrated its prowess in numerous competitions, and the overhead-valve engine delivers a lively performance. With its fully-enclosed valve and rocker gear, generally compact layout, and full equipment, it is a pleasing little mount, while the gold finish gives a smart appearance.
It has a counterpart in "Model 30" but in this case the engine capacity is 247 c.c., while the front forks, instead of being of pressed steel, are tubular and are fitted with hand-controlled shock absorbers; also, the brakes are larger.
Model 36 "Unidyno" 247 c.c. single-cyl. o.h.v. New Imperial; sump lubrication; gear primary drive; 4-speed gear, with hand control; fuel, 2¾ gals.; 26x3.25 in. tyres.
Price with electric lighting (solo), £47.
An entirely new model is the 247 c.c. "Unidyno" and it is most attractive. The engine is a development of previous designs, and instead of a gear drive for the Magdyno the drive is taken from the timing case and is by chain. This new arrangement results in a very much better appearance, while the inclusion of an engine-shaft shock absorber gives a smoother transmission than formerly.
The tappet adjustment is at the base of the push rods, which are enclosed in tubes. An interesting feature is that the rockers are drilled with oilways communicating with the ball ends which rest in the cupped ends of the push-rods.
A 346 c.c. edition of this model is produced, the two machines being worthy additions to the range. Yet another 346 c.c. unit job is the Model 40. It should be noted that this machine is also sold complete with a light sidecar at a very reasonable figure.
Model 100, “Clubman.” 346 c.c. single-cyl. o.h.v. New Imperial; dry-sump lubrication; magneto ignition; all-chain drive; 4-speed gear, with foot control; fuel, 3¾ gals.; 26x3.25in. tyres.
Price with electric lighting (solo), £57.
The 346 c.c. “Clubman” represents an attempt to provide a machine suitable for the sporting rider. It is of the non-unit type, with the engine mounted vertically in a duplex cradle frame. The carnation and chromium finish is particularly smart. There is also a 247 c.c. “ Clubman,” and the engines used are replicas of the Grand Prix racing power units.
Three more unit-construction models complete the range; the 496 c.c. o.h.v. “Unit Major ” is a standard production and has a counterpart in the “Unit Clubman,” which has a sports specification.
Then there is the 550 c.c. “Unit Major” side-valve model, which is offered primarily for sidecar work.
Visitors are much interested in the supercharged racing twin and the streamlined “ 150” which are on view.
The 1935 Olympia Show reported in The Motor Cycle, December 5th, 1935.
1. The recognised pioneer and leader in its class.
2. 150 c.c. O.H.V., Engine in Unit Construction with -
3. A three-speed hand controlled “New Imperial" Gear-Box, the Primary
Drive being by helical Gear Wheels, silent in
operation, unbreakable and wear-proof.
4. Lucas 6 volt Coil Lighting and Ignition Set.
5. Electric Horn.
6. Cradle Frame.
7. 25 x
3 in. Dunlop Tyres.
8. Tank finished in black
and gold lining.
Coil £29-15-0 Maglita £32-0-0
MODELS 30 & 40
1. Excellent all purpose Machines for heavy
utility work, reliable and economical.
2. 250 c.c. and 350 c.c. O.H.V. Engines in Unit Construction with—
3. A four-speed hand controlled “New Imperial Gear-Box, the Primary Drive
being by helical Gear Wheels, silent in operation, unbreakable and wear-proof.
4. Lucas
6 volt Coil Lighting and Ignition Set (Maglita
£2/5/0 extra).
5. Electric Horn.
6. Cradle
7. 26 x 3.25 in. Dunlop Tyres.
Tank finished in black and gold lining.
Model 30 (250 c.c.) £38-7-6 Model 40 (350 c.c.) £42-0-0
MODELS 36 & 46
1. New Models, reliable and fast, suitable for
prolonged touring at a high average speed.
2. 250 c.c. and 350 c.c. O.H.V. Engines,
Engine Shaft Shock Absorber; in Unit Construction with—
3. A four-speed hand controlled “New Imperial" Gear-Box, the Primary
Drive being by helical Gear Wheels, silent in
operation, unbreakable and wear-proof.
4. Lucas 6 volt Magdyno Lighting and Ignition
5. Lucas Altette Horn.
6. Cradle Frame
with three-point Engine suspension.
7. 26 x
3.25 in. Dunlop tyres.
8. Chromium-plated
Handlebars with Clip-on controls to individual
position. Tanks and rims chrome-plated and
black panels.
Model 36 (250 c.c.) £47-0-0 Model 46 (350 c.c.) £51-0-0
MODELS 90 & 100
1. These highly efficient sporting Machines are
produced for the Club Rider, or one who
requires a brilliant performance.
2. 250 c.c. and 350 c.c. O.H.V. Engines, Double roller
bearing big end, double ball bearing on both
sides of Crank Case, special Aluminium Piston,
floating Gudgeon pin.
3. Four-speed Gear-Box with foot-control built in.
4. Lucas 6 volt
Magdyno Lighting Set.
5. Lucas Altette
6. Cradle Frame with three-point
Engine suspension.
7. 26 x 3.25 in. ribbed
Tyre on front, studded on rear.
7 in. Brakes,
8. Sturdy Forks with Steering and Fork
9. Chromium-plated Handlebars with clip-on controls to individual position. Large Tank
finished in chromium and carnation, gold lined—usual bright parts in Chromium.
Model 90 (250 c.c.) £55-0-0 Model 100 (350 c.c.) £57-0-0
MODELS 70-76 & 80
1. A sweet-running, powerful machine—offered
primarily for side-car work and heavy-duty.
2. A 500 c.c. engine of modern design.
3. A four-speed hand controlled New Imperial Gear-Box in unit with the Engine.
4. Primary drive by Double helical gear wheels, silent in operation, unbreakable and wear-
5. Lucas Magdyno Lighting and Lucas Altette Horn.
6. 7 in. Brakes.
7. Duplex cradle frame.
8. 26 x 3.25 in. Dunlop Tyres on chrome wheels with black centres. 9. Chrome and black tank.
This Model can be fitted with a Side Valve Engine 550 c.c. (Model 80) or a specially tuned high
compression Engine (Model 76).
Model 70 £62-0-0 Model 76 £65-0-0 Model 80 £59-0-0