Featured Pages Swastika With the name derived from a Tibetan Buddhist symbol, it was built in South Australia.
SwastikaMuseo Frera An impressive collection!
Frera Museum, ItalyCollection de Maurice Chapleur One of the most important veteran collections in the world.
Chapleur Collection
mrkriley98 at gmail.com
French Barn Find,1954 Velor PV 100 (98cc) Villiers engine
Looking through photographs, and your list of Villiers Engine Data, I can not identify whether the engine is actually a Villiers. On the engine there is a plate, which has - BMA. 1954, Moteur Villiers 98cc, Type S3G, Engine No - 16814. The engine does not look quite like Villiers engines I have seen photographs of.
Mark Riley
United Kingdom
A Monet & Goyon 1947 has the same S3G engine.
Villiers image posted to Comments.
Fri Apr 02 2010
arnaldo.lopes<at>gmaildot com Itom moped
I have a moped bicycle, with peddles, with a Itom motor, made by Velor.
I bought it and the previous owner says that there were made only 70 units
in the late 1940's early 1950's.He bought it to a man who worked in that
factory in France, I presume. Can anyone help me to have more information
about the Velor model and manufacturer?
Porto -Portugal
Thank you very much.
In attach I am sending photos of the bike.
If you have a query about Velor Motorcycles, or have some information to
add about these classic French machines, please contact us