Australian Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Cameron Motorcycles

Built by H.A. Cameron of the Cameron Motor Works, King William Street, Adelaide in 1918. It was powered by a De Luxe engine from Healings and used English and locally-made fittings.


This morning Messrs. H. A. Cameron and W. Holliday, two enthusiastic motor cyclists, are leaving Adelaide for Melbourne per motor cycle and sidecar. Mr. Cameron, the principal "partner," stated yesterday that they were not out record breaking, but rather on a pleasure trip. Insofar as he knew there was no "record" for the trip. They would try the cycle well, however. The mount is a 7-h.p. Cameron de Luxe, with fixed gear, one of the first built in Adelaide, and the riders are anticipating a good time with it. They hope to reach Melbourne on Thursday

Daily Herald (Adelaide, SA) Tue 23 Apr 1918


A Magnificent Outfit.

A remarkably fine motor cycle turnout, the manufacture of the Cameron Motor Works, King William Street South (opposite Holden's Motor Body Works) [1], was inspected by the Motoring Editor of the "Mail" this week. There is probably no outfit on the road which more readilv attracts the attention of people than this Cameron De Luxe vehicle, which is painted in deep, rich red. with gold linings and grey panelling. The engine is the American Spacke De Luxe, the Quality of which has already been established in Australia, and the frame fittings are of English manufacture. The machine has been in personal use by Mr. Cameron during the past two years, and has figured in speed competitions with conspicuous success. At the contests at Selick's Beach at end of last year it attained a speed of 70 miles an hour as a touring model.

The sidecar, which was only recently built, is a triumph in skill and artistic workmanship. It is shoe-shaped in design, and is beautifully beveled and rounded out. thus affording an abundance of room and ease for the passenger. The chassis, designed and manufactured by the Cameron Works, denotes special engineering qualities, and is sprung on the shook -absorber principle, which gives the maximum comfort to the rider and eliminates any jarring on the turnout. An extra support has been provided on the chassis immediately under the door of the sidecar body, where the strain is particularly severe. A jaunt along the principal streets and over the hills of North Adelaide made an enjoyable ride in the sidecar, and demonstrated the outstanding qualities of the outfit generally. Mr. W. Kutcher. of Angus Street, made an excellent, job of the enamelling, and Messrs. K. T. Fisher & Co. did likewise with the nickelling-work. The wholesale distributors of the De Luxe engine are Messrs. A. G. Healing & Co. Proprietary, Limited. The turnout is a credit to the Cameron Motor Works, which have shown commendable skill and enterprise in the manufacture of such an attractive and luxurious outfit.

The Mail (Adelaide, SA) Sat 1 Mar 1919

Notes. 1. Edward Wheeldon Holden began business in Adelaide in 1852, and in 1919 formed "Holden's Motor Body Builders". The firm went on to become General Motors Holden.

Source: Trove NLA, et al

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