French Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Briban Engines

A Brief History of the Marque

Manufactured: René Briban & Cie, 14, Rue Palestro, Pantin

Marques which employed Briban include Ardex (microcars from Nanterre), Arliguie (125cc Briban), Chaplait, DS Malterre (SABB 1953), Duravia, Elite Sport, Génial Lucifer, Guiller (electric starter), Narcisse, Norlux, Onoto, and Valmobile.

Briban engines for motorcycles include:

  • Type A 50cc
  • Type B 49cc
  • Type M 49.8cc
  • Type 100 N 123cc 1953
  • Type S.A.B.B. 100 98cc 1955-56
  • Type S.A.B.B. 125 123cc 1955-56

Manufacture of motorcycle engines ceased in 1955; however, they remained on the market for some years afterwards to sell existing stock. In 1960 they built kart engines.

The company also built a considerable variety of stationary engines. In 1980 the company had 95 employees and 400 agents, it's major product being engines for agricultural equipment and garden mowers.

Briban ceased operations in 1987, and the following year M. René Briban died.

Sources:,, contemporary literature credits Didier Mahistre for much of the information on their page on Briban.

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