German Motorrad

Today in Motorcycle History

Siba Electric

Siba was a German manufacturer of magnetos used on motorcycles.

The British company was formed in 1954 and supplied a combined starter generator unit for use on motor cycles, scooters and mopeds. The units were at first imported from Siba Elektrik G.m.b.H., which had a 50 per cent interest in the company, but by 1957 the British company was itself manufacturing a substantial number of the component parts and importing others from Robert Bosch A.G.

1969 Lucas has told us that in 1957 it was approached by the Chairman of Siba Electric (who owned the other 50 per cent, interest in the company) as Siba Elektrik had sold its business in Germany to Bosch who did not wish to have any interest in the small British company.

Lucas has said that although at that time it was being asked to make a similar combined starter generator unit it had not considered that, for Lucas, the future for such units was sufficiently attractive. It decided, however, to take up the offer of a 50 per cent, interest in Siba Electric and purchased the shares, through a nominee, for a consideration of £8,578. It subsequently loaned the company a total of £37,500.

1970 Manganese Bronze Holdings sold its 50 percent interest in Siba Electric to Joseph Lucas.

British brands which used Siba electrical components included Bond, Pullin and DKR.

Source: Graces Guide

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