Dunjó Motorcycles


Arcadi Dunjó, formerly an aircraft engineer who worked with the Republicans during the Civil War, after which he took refuge in Toulouse where he continued his career. In 1942 he returned to his homeland where he worked with a bicycle firm, and in the 1950s he established a company in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, Vallès occidental, which built motorcycles and sidecars. He was also a supplier of major components including frames, and designed motorcycles for Derbi, Dusco, Iso, Kapi, Mavisa, Mymsa, Reina, Rieju and others.

A Dunjo 32cc two-stroke engine with variable compression of 1951-52 was designed to run on a variety of different fuels including diesel. It did not enter production.

In 1956 they built three different microcars powered by ISO 125cc engines.


1957. An 80cc scooter was built with this name for the Barcelona distributor of Motobic.


In 1957, Dunjó, along with Solans and Corominas of Hispano Villiers created a 125 cc motorcycle under the Dusco brand fitted with Earles suspension. Only 30 were built before the project was cancelled.

In the mid-1980s Arcadi Dunjó was closely involved with the replication of a Republican fighter aircraft he had worked on during the war.

Sources: wikipedia.es, raco.cat, jacques-leretrait.blogspot.com, autopasion18.com, et al.

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