Alge Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque

Alfred Geißler, Motorenfabrik, Knauthain, Leipzig. Established 1902

Between 1925 & 1930 this small German firm built single-cylinder motorcycles and tricycles of 173cc to 498cc. Initially they used two-stroke engines of their own manufacture, but that engine was not a success and most machines were subsequently fitted with engines from Küchen, MAG, Sturmey-Archer, JLO, Villiers and Blackburne.

Their three-wheelers came in a variety of configurations, the lighter models powered by Villiers and the commercial vehicles used mostly SV Küchen 500cc engines.

Alfred's son Oswald competed in local motorcycle events racing a MAG-powered 350cc Alge.

Alfred Geissler died in a motorcycle accident. His son took over, but the financial crisis put paid to production and the last machine was built in 1930. Sales of the remaining stock continued until 1933, and the business survived into the post-war period.


0,7/2,5 PS 1924-26 Alge Zweitakt 123cc
0,749/2,5 PS 1924-26 Alge Zweitakt 131cc
0,749/3,5 PS 1924-26 Alge Zweitakt
1,4/5 PS 1924-28 Alge Zweitakt 247cc
K500 1,9/11 PS 1926-28 Küchen sv 496cc
Touren 1929-31 St. & A. /FSRM/ sv 198cc
Touren 1925-30 Villiers IXBA Zweitakt 342cc 3-speed Hurth
Touren 1925-30 Blackburne /FK /sv 498cc 3-speed Hurth
Super-Sport 1929-30 Blackburne /FK 499cc 3-speed Hurth (optional Küchen OHC)

Sources: Tragatsch p72, motorrä, et al.

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