BPS 197 RC

BPS Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque

94, Route de Toulanjac, Villefranche-de-Rouergue, 1973-1976, then Carretera de Monteuil, Villefranche 1976-1983

Jacques Boudet, Gilles Portal and Marcel Seurat

The company was originally named Motos Boudet-Portal, BP, formed in 1970, and was renamed to BPS in 1973 when Seurat joined.

From 1975 some of the BPS machines were built by SWM, and re-branded BPS after performance modifications.

Some models were fitted with engines from Aspes, and others with Moto Morini.
Sources: OTTW, Tragatsch, Henshaw.

Sat Nov 22 2008
old pub
swm or bps 250
this is the french brand for SWM


BPS 240 (SWM)

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